Outpatient Psychiatry | 40 weeks
Residents continue the experience of assessment and treatment of patients in the outpatient clinic.
Community Mental Health |
This rotation includes experience with a team of dedicated case management staff, medication management with patients in an outpatient clinic and in residential settings, and outreach to homeless individuals. These patients have major mental illnesses and co-morbidities and the majority of these patients are referred by community mental health. Supervision is provided by one psychiatrist. Residents will spend one day per week at this facility during their 12 month outpatient psychiatry rotation.
Emergency Psychiatry | 12 weeks
Residents gain experience in risk assessment, diagnosis and treatment of acutely ill patients including substance-induced conditions, determination of level of care and an understanding of referral resources. Services are provided to individuals who come to the Community Mental Health Access Center under the supervision of faculty psychiatrists. Experience working in a hospital diversion program and a medication clinic are also included.