Adult Inpatient Psychiatry | 24 weeks
Pine Rest’s 22-bed adult inpatient academic unit is the site for this rotation. Under the supervision of two full time psychiatrists, residents learn to evaluate and treat patients with diverse diagnoses including, major mental illness, co-morbid medical and substance abuse conditions and those who require further diagnosis.
Primary Care | 16 weeks
Rotations include inpatient internal medicine and pediatrics at Pine Rest as well as family medicine and pediatrics at area outpatient practices.
Neurology | 4 weeks
A neurology inpatient rotation at a local acute care hospital and an outpatient neurology experience are included. Residents will learn to perform consultations and follow up care under the supervision of neurologists.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | 4 weeks
Pine Rest’s 36-bed inpatient Child and Adolescent unit treats patients ages three through 17 and serves as the residency inpatient site. Three board certified child and adolescent psychiatrists serve as teaching faculty. In addition to experience on the inpatient unit, this rotation includes experience with adolescents who receive trauma based treatment in a locked residential facility and treatment of children in an outpatient clinic.
Geriatric Psychiatry | 4 weeks
Residents will assess and treat patients on a 26-bed inpatient geriatric unit under the supervision of two psychiatrist faculty. In addition, an outpatient experience includes assessments and management of pharmacotherapy of complex older adult cases under the supervision of a board certified gero-psychiatrist.