What is Narcan and what is it used for?
Naloxone (commonly known by the brand name Narcan) is a life-saving drug used to treat possible opioid overdose. Narcan is an opioid antagonist (it blocks receptors in the body that opioids would normally attach to), which causes it to reverse symptoms of opioid overdose.
It can be given via nasal spray.
It is available over the counter at most pharmacies so you can get it without a prescription.
Also, there are multiple Narcan distribution stations (even Narcan vending machines) throughout Michigan that have Narcan available free to the public.
What are examples of drugs that are opioids?
- Fentanyl
- Methadone
- Oxycodone (OxyContin® is a well known brand)
- Hydrocodone (Vicodin® is a well known brand)
- Codeine
- Heroin
- Morphine
What are some signs/symptoms of a possible overdose?
- Unresponsiveness or inability to waken
- Limp body
- Lips and nails have turned blue or purple
- Face is clammy or pale
- Slow heart rate
- Low blood pressure
- Slowed down or erratic breathing or not breathing at all
- Tiny, pinpoint pupils in eyes
How to administer Narcan (nasal spray)
STEP 1: Give one spray in one nostril.
Narcan can be used every 2-3 minutes until a person becomes responsive and starts breathing normally. It is recommended that each dose administered should be alternated between the right and left nostril. Also, you cannot overdose anyone on Narcan, so you can administer it as many times as you need.
STEP 2: After you give Narcan, call 911.
Narcan is not a substitute for emergency care. Narcan only reverses the effects of opioids for approximately 30-90 minutes, but opioids can stay in your system for much longer. That’s why it’s critical to call 911 as soon as possible.
What if I give Narcan to someone who didn’t take any opioid drugs?
Narcan will not hurt a person. It is better to be safe than sorry, so if you are unsure if the person overdosed on opioids, still administer the Narcan and call 911.