EAP & Crisis Response Services | Request Proposal

Pine Rest Difference


Let our trained staff guide you in finding the right services to meet your needs.

Pine Rest Difference

Our Unique Approach Makes a Difference

What makes Pine Rest EAP different from other EAPs? The differentiators with Pine Rest EAP align with our mission, values, and the integrity from which we base all our services.

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We Encourage Usage!

We want your members to use their EAP benefits!

High utilization is our goal, and we will work diligently to help you achieve the desired results.

EAP Today

Same Day Care

Pine Rest provides same day appointments via teletherapy for urgent situations.

This session is covered by your EAP benefits.

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Fast & Easy Access

Accessing our services is fast and easy.

We can activate services within minutes in urgent situations.

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Continuing Care Pledge

Our EAP EXCLUSIVE Continuing Care Pledge allows employees to maintain their therapist after their free counseling sessions have concluded.

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Continuum of Care

As the third largest non-profit behavioral health provider in the country, Pine Rest has the full continuum.

Sometimes employees need services that are not included in their EAP. We can get you there through Pine Rest’s larger continuum of services.

NEWS MSU Extension Award 2021

National Leader

Pine Rest is recognized as a national leader in clinical research and establishment of best practices in behavioral health care.

Mackinaw Bridge

Dedicated to Michigan

Pine Rest is Michigan-based and is dedicated to supporting our community.

When partnering with Pine Rest, you will find local clinics staffed with people who care.

Mental Health LGBTQ Youth


EAP services are not simply a product to us.

We are supporting and healing PEOPLE with our own human touch by going out of our way to make sure all our clients’ needs are properly cared for.