Michael Thebert


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Let our trained staff guide you in finding the right services to meet your needs. Call us today.

Thebert Mike NEW 27


Caledonia Clinic
6505 Cherry Meadow Drive SE,
Caledonia, MI 49316

Northwest Clinic
2118 3 Mile Rd. NW,
Grand Rapids, MI 49544

Patient Ages

  • Adult

Dr. Thebert has been a psychiatrist at Pine Rest since 2001 and works both in the inpatient and outpatient setting. Much of his experience has been with adults and older adults.

Dr. Thebert earned a bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University in Psychology and a medical degree from the University of Iowa College of Medicine. He completed a psychiatry residency at Michigan State University in the Department of Psychiatry.

Michael Thebert participates in the Diversity Collective.



  • Panic Attacks/Panic Disorder
  • Psychiatric Evaluations
  • Spiritual/Religious Issues
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We Can Help

Let our trained staff guide you in finding the right services to meet your needs. Call us today.

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