Maram Hekhuis


We Can Help

Let our trained staff guide you in finding the right services to meet your needs. Call us today.

Hekhuis Maram scaled e1629900730112 27

Patient Ages

  • Adult
  • Older Adult
Maram Hekhuis participates in the Diversity Collective.


You might’ve asked yourself “should I seek mental help” and “how could a therapist help me?”

Unfortunately, many people who could benefit from mental health services delay or avoid seeking help, feeling that doing so is a sign of weakness or even feeling ashamed of their condition. By delaying or not seeking mental help, your mental health condition could become even worse. Untreated and unmanaged mental health issues could disrupt your performance at school or work, ability to experience positive emotions such as happiness, ability to cope with significant stressors, your relationships with others and even increase your risk for substance abuse or other self-destructive behaviors. Mental Illnesses cause disturbances in thinking, emotions, and behaviors that make it difficult for us to cope with ordinary life responsibilities and demands.

I’m glad that you are thinking about or seeking mental health services, and I do understand that seeking help and opening up to a complete stranger can be very challenging and overwhelming. I want you to know that I’m here for you so you don’t have to face your challenges alone, and to help you gain self-awareness and insight into your mental health challenges and ways to overcome them. My compassion and dedication to the field of mental health stems from my personal experiences/upbringing, and recognizing the stigma and need for mental health care.

Growing up in the Middle East and a war-torn country has taught me a lot about mental illnesses and resiliency. Often, mental illnesses; or even emotions; are not discussed or recognized in the Middle Eastern culture; which leaves the person feeling vulnerable and alone in dealing with their issues. As a Palestinian and American citizen, bicultural and bilingual, I’m confident that I have the knowledge to be a culturally sensitive therapist that could offer you a safe and compassionate environment to release and work through your life stressors.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you feel that we could be a good fit and if you would like to connect through tele-health services from the comfort of your home.



  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Anger Management
  • Depression
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • PTSD/Trauma/Abuse
  • Substance Use/Substance- Related Disorders
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We Can Help

Let our trained staff guide you in finding the right services to meet your needs. Call us today.

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