Hailey Powers


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Let our trained staff guide you in finding the right services to meet your needs. Call us today.

powers hailey


Southwest Clinic
4211 Parkway Place, Suite 100
Grandville, MI 49418

Patient Ages

  • Adolescent
  • Adult
  • Child

Hailey is a Limited Licensed Master Social Worker who enjoys working with ages 6-56. She earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Ferris State University and a master’s of social work from Western Michigan University, where she specialized in trauma therapy.

Hailey has experience in working with those on the autism spectrum, individuals who have experienced trauma, and people who are experiencing anxiety and depression. She uses cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral informed therapy, trauma informed cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT), and psychoeducation to work with clients to meet their goals.

Hailey focuses on a collaborative approach with her clients, ensuring that their therapy is meaningful and effective for them.

Hailey Powers participates in the Diversity Collective.



  • Autism Spectrum Disorder/Pervasive Developmental Disorder
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Depression
  • PTSD/Trauma/Abuse
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We Can Help

Let our trained staff guide you in finding the right services to meet your needs. Call us today.

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