Clinton Korneffel


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Let our trained staff guide you in finding the right services to meet your needs. Call us today.

Korneffel Clinton


Christian Counseling Center
1870 Leonard Street NE,
Grand Rapids, MI 49505

Patient Ages

  • Adult

Dr. Clinton Korneffel is an outpatient psychiatrist serving clients age 18-65 at the Pine Rest Christian Counseling Center.

Dr. Korneffel completed his undergraduate studies at Michigan State University and his medical training at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine. From there, he went on to complete his residency in Psychiatry at Loyola University Medical Center, located just outside Chicago, Illinois.

Clinton Korneffel participates in the Diversity Collective.



  • Psychiatric Evaluations
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We Can Help

Let our trained staff guide you in finding the right services to meet your needs. Call us today.

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