Cindy Freeney



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Southwest Clinic
4211 Parkway Place, Suite 100
Grandville, MI 49418

Patient Ages

  • Adult
  • Older Adult

Cindy is a Licensed Master of Social Work with over 30 years of experience in counseling. She earned her BA in Social Work/Psychology from Michigan State University and a Master of Social Work from Grand Valley State University.

Her professional experience includes working with career counseling, job seeking training, work and auto related injuries, all forms of trauma, depression, anxiety and bipolar disorders. Cindy has advanced training in eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, codependency, women’s issues, second stage recovery, shame reduction, self esteem enhancement and relationship issues (Townsend, Cloud and Smalley).

Cindy participates with Faith Community Outreach, an initiative within Pine Rest that seeks to connect area clergy, churches and ministries to services available from Pine Rest, as well as develop new services specifically designed to benefit the faith community.

Cindy Freeney participates in the Diversity Collective.

Faith Statement

I have worked at Pine Rest for 10 years doing individual and group therapy. I counsel those with anxiety, depression, PTSD, Bipolar, stress, low self esteem, spiritual abuse and grief. I have spent my life trying to know Him and the power of his love but I also have experienced feeling like I had to do the leg work. I have felt him teach me to stop striving to be perfect yet listen and learn to follow his leading while living with as much integrity as I can muster. I feel like it is a deep honor when a client risks letting me into the despairing place of their heart and journey toward healing.

I have done extensive study on healthy relationships (Gary Smalley), Boundaries (Townsend/Cloud), and Developmental Immaturity (Claudia Black, Pia Mellody). I also am trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).

In addition to my clinical work, I do talks on:
– When to Martha, when to Mary, and when to Merry.
– How to help someone you love that struggles with addiction.
– Embracing grace vs. critical self talk…Stubbornly choosing joy
– Discovering your destiny and clearing out the cobwebs
– Boundaries…Assertiveness…Good Grief
– Why women need women



  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Codependency Issues
  • Depression
  • Older Adults
  • PTSD/Trauma/Abuse
  • Spiritual/Religious Issues
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