Anthony is a psychologist practicing at the Caledonia Clinic. He received a Bachelor of Science from Grand Valley State University, a Master of Science in Clinical Behavioral Psychology from Eastern Michigan University, and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Wheaton College.
Anthony has experience working with the Department of Veterans Affairs as well as several outpatient mental health agencies in Michigan and Illinois. His prior research has focused on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social support, and religious and spiritual issues.
Anthony works primarily with adults, specializing in the treatment of trauma-related issues, physical and/or sexual abuse, PTSD, anxiety disorders, mood disorders (such as depression and bipolar disorder), anger management, religious and spiritual issues, and veterans’ issues.
Anthony participates with Faith Community Outreach, an initiative within Pine Rest that seeks to connect area clergy, churches, and ministries to services available from Pine Rest and to develop new services specifically designed to benefit communities of faith.