Addiction & Recovery

Recovery is Possible!

For help, please call.

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Don't Give Up! Hope for Recovery Starts Here. Call 866.852.4001.

Addiction & Recovery

Pine Rest offers a full continuum of addiction services that range from residential drug and alcohol rehab to traditional outpatient services. All of the service components in the continuum welcome those who also have mental health disorders. We believe that there should be no wrong door for individuals to access substance use disorder treatment.

With one call, we can guide you through the process of inquiry, assessment and admission to the most appropriate level of care. We will assist you with understanding your insurance benefit, help you understand what other sources of funding might be available and qualify you or your loved one for treatment.

Our commitment is to treat you and your family with a welcoming heart, provide compassion and understanding in time of need and to offer hope and help through the provision of excellent care.

For help determining appropriate level of care or details about any addiction service in our continuum, please call 866.852.4001.


“Unlike any other disease, in addiction we have to overcome stigma, guilt and shame.”

Dr. Talal Khan and social worker Mariah DeYoung of Pine Rest Addiction Medicine, talk to WZZM’s Catherine Behrendt about the unique challenges presented by substance use disorder and why those affected by addiction shouldn’t give up hope.

Evidence-based addiction treatment works.

Addiction treatments at Pine Rest are evidence-based, which means that over time they have been tested and found to provide predictable outcomes and long-term recovery. During assessment, we will complete an individualized care plan for you or your loved one, and we’ll continue to update it as treatment progresses.

Many times, a person diagnosed with a substance use disorder will also be diagnosed with a behavioral health disorder. Pine Rest is able to provide integrated treatment at all levels so that we are treating both conditions at the same time.

Today’s treatment has graduated steps designed to meet the differing needs of each patient and each phase of addiction or recovery. This treatment continuum allows patients to “step-up” or “step-down” to match treatment intensity with their recovery needs. At the initial evaluation, American Society of Addictions Medicine (ASAM) criteria are used for patient placement into the varied treatment options. In many situations, patients can continue to see their therapist or case manager one-on-one while involved in the specific medical or group services that meet their individual needs.


Addiction is a disease located in the brain.

Addiction begins when significant changes take place deep within the human brain where clusters of nerve cells allow us to feel joy, happiness, and satisfaction. For persons with a predisposition to addiction, the introduction of a substance bringing a pleasurable feeling may begin to disrupt the receptor/neurotransmitter function of the nerve cells in the MDS when used again and again. What once was a source of pleasure becomes a desperate need for the substance bringing pleasure. 

Additional Services & Assistance

Family Intervention II

For Families

Services to help family members better understand addiction and learn new, healthy coping skills.

Weight Loss with Therapist

For Professionals

Learn about referring patients, receiving patient information or obtaining a consultation. 

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For Organizations

We offer EAP programs for employers, faith organizations and schools include services for addiction and recovery. 

Understanding Substance Use Disorders

This free publication examines how substance use disorders are medical illnesses. 

“Because addiction is a disease and not a moral weakness or shortcoming, treatment is possible and even effective! Research shows that treatment can help patients stop using, avoid relapse and successfully recover their lives. Of individuals with chronic dependence who achieved sustained recovery, the majority did so after participating in treatment.”

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